Thursday, October 1, 2009

Keepin' it Classy in South Amboy

Yes, this Tooker woman may belong in a bar alright, but not as the Mayor's highest appointee in City Hall.

Bear in mind, good citizens. Ms. Tooker assures us that "no one was intimidated" during this crosstown cocktail party. By the way - that police officer in the council chambers prohibiting people from speaking about the matter - that was not intimidation either.

Hats off to The AMBON BEACON, article date 09/30/2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Shady Sweetheart Deal

Let's highlight John T. O'Leary's connection to multi-million dollar county insurance contracts that haven't been competitively bid in 10 years - a cozy backscratching relationship that is paid for by Middlesex County taxpayers. John T. O'Leary doesn't actually do the work himself, he just farms it out and takes a cut for being so influential and what not. The wasted dollars over the last decade to pay the padded bill on a sweetheart deal like this one is pretty sad.

Should Jack O'Leary be trusted with legislative authority in a county Assembly seat? Should Jack O'Leary be trusted with local authority as South Amboy Mayor?

See our report on this shady sweetheart deal, including actual earnings statements and documentation from the desk of Jack O'Leary... download it now.

(This PDF file is approximately 30mb and can take up to 5 minutes to download.)

Feel free to comment below. No profanity please.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Amboy Beacon Article - Aug 5, 2009

Some are having difficulty obtaining their issue of the Amboy Beacon this week. Please continue to look for it as it has an interesting editorial on "straw donors" as well as valuable advertisements. In the meantime, we refer you to the following front page article:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

All You Wanted to Know about The O'Leary Income.

How a Mayor gets Rich on a Part-time Job paying $8,000/year...

  • sell overpriced insurance to your government cohorts and
    collect hefty commissions
  • sell overpriced ambulance service to your government
    cronies and collect hefty revenues
  • partner with your family members, give them government
    positions to guard the family business
  • hide behind corporate identities and LLCs
  • flip city property to cronies

See actual earnings statements and documentation from
the desk of Jack O'Leary...
download it now.

(This PDF file is approximately 30mb and can take up to 5 minutes to download.)